This is what I would call an abstract photo. It relies on real elements but has been altered by unreal filters and adjustments. I overexposed the photograph by one full stop to eliminate most of the details in clouds etc. Next I turned up the saturation by about 30% (about 29% more than I ever have before). Lastly I ran the photo through a "funky" filter. Sorry I don't remember the filter. It was just cool. I have looked forward to this assignment because I am a bit of a purist. Very little or no enhancement. Definitely no cutting or pasting. Absolutely no weird angled, sunburst, milky shots (that ones for you lindsay). This photo was fun. The directives of the assignment let me run a little "amuck".
Very nice, I love the small amount of detail you left in the sky...don't know if that was on purpose or not but with the filter it adds a nice effect...
I think I am going to have fun with this assignment!
to each his own father, to each his own.... :)
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