Nikon D-3, 24-70 f/2.8 lens, 1/500s @ f/22, ISO 800
Ok I couldn't resist with the rocky and mountains. Our assignment is FRAMING! Yes! An easy assignment. Hold on a minute! Easy for who! Not me! Here we go again, scene's are recorded by someone in a camera with a hopeful out come. With some experience using camera equipment, light, composition, and etc., can't just anyone take a shot that utilizes framing? Here's the test....what is the subject in the photo above? Wait..... Wait...... Ok the poll says - all ten of you have different answers. That's the beauty and the difficulty of it! What I see as a nice well exposed, well balanced, pleasing photograph another may see as scrap paper. So here is what I saw, see and hope is expressed to you.
The photo is framing the Wasatch Front. A part of the Rocky Mountains. Or literally ROCKY MOUNTAINS. I wanted the rock to be a bold statement in the photo. The rock's grain is in direct conflict with the framed subject. The curves, texture and the size of the rock give it an interesting, bold, hard, and immovable feel. Most critics would not like it I believe. Too flat, too much rock, uninteresting, etc. My point is that it made me think about a specific assignment and eventual photo. I feel that my goal was satisfied. Artistically, well you will have to decide for yourself. For that alone it was worth it!
Shot at ISO 800 because I wanted to flatten/compress the image a little and - the lens was at 65mm, the aperture was at f/22. I needed the full depth of field. I was hand holding (forgot my tripod)(Bad photographer!). Workflow - photo was edited in NIK at Infrared Black and White.
1 comment:
Well, I like it! But, I like everything and anything that you do :)
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