Who's that guy with the camera laying at the goal?
Grandpa's will do anything to get "that" picture. When 4 year old kids play soccer the rules are a little mushy. Close enough to the goal to block shots was this sports photographers position (at least at this game). I have not given up the wildlife thing. It's March and the best wildlife are in acapulco on vacation. Thank goodness my grandson is becoming the next Pele (spell check really does not like this word). You know the famous soccer star Pele? It was a short game. Good thing I only shot 16GB of pic's. Hey he's worth it!
I love these pictures! I can't believe the intensity on those faces. Man they were focused!!! Great great stuff!
Isn't he the cutest! I now know why I have been put on this earth, to watch my little boys play soccer.... Great photos dad, I still don't understand the ISO thing...
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