Dang it!!!
I was so disappointed when I got home and put the photo up on my 30" monitor. It looked good in the camera, looked good on my Epson. There is usually a short period of time to decide on exposure, aperture, etc, when shooting a Griz mom with cubs. In this case I bet wrong. I was OK with the composition. Shots like this I can anticipate a crop to create a panorama look. My aperture was wide open at f/4.0. I really wanted as much detail as possible so I kept the ISO as low as possible at ISO 400. The cubs were really active. A lot of motion, wrestling and play. Should have pushed the ISO and closed down a little on the aperture. If you look close the cubs are slightly out of focus. The actual plane is in front of mom Grizzly. The depth of field tells it all. Could have done a lot better. It was a learning experience for me. The light left quickly and so did the bears. This was the best of the shots of these bears that day. Yes I was back before sunrise the next day!
I can't tell you how many shots I have screwed up the focus on. Every time I tell myself to remember why I screwed up. Invariably the next time I make the same mistake...
In the short time I've been trying to take pictures, I've had many a photo come back with this scenario. Huge bummer!!
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