It is a Sunday afternoon. Shopping, washing your car, relaxing, playing with the kids? Or like me. Church and Extreme Makeover. I love Sundays. A day of relaxation. If your a church goer you may or may not have been taught to keep the Sabbath (Sunday for me) holy. For me a day to unwind and contemplate my life and my family's future.
As a famous comedian once said "Can we talk?"
With everything that is stressing us about this country right now we need more. More things to look forward to. Young or old it should be a requirement. To have something that we enjoy and DO! Do is the keyword here. Don't get me wrong. We must always commit to our responsibilities-work, family, etc. It's just that little extra bonus to put the smile on our faces. It may be anything, as long as we enjoy it and it does not consume us to the point that our obligations are forgotten. For some their career. Others it may be exercise, bowling, parachuting, knitting, reading, cycling or photography. Dan, in your case you can have two things. That brings me to the photo above. The bikes above are worn and tossed out. They have traveled miles and miles. Is there use complete? Have their lives been fulfilled? No. Now they serve a new purpose. Two-fold. One is they are there for the photographer to capture their colors and artsy positioning. Look close. They are also used for parts. One is just a frame. Maybe the bright yellow seat will be used tomorrow. At 54 years old I am still young. My color is not that of these bicycles. But I may still have a great purpose. Or at least some kind of purpose. If I am to be tossed aside and not used for my experiences, history, or abilities then my life will be wasted.
So I must see myself that I, that is I, insure that my future is plentiful. No government, people, church or influence can make me be who I am. I will decide. I will decide to wake up everyday with a smile. The option of not waking up doesn't sound good. I will decide who I associate with. Who my true friends are. I will decide if I believe there is a God. Nobody will change that. I will decide to love my wife and family. I will decide to take a few minutes everyday to record by photography something in nature or manmade that intrigues me and makes me better appreciate the world I live in. The only thing that is not my choice is when I go. God has already decided this. It's part of a big plan. I just hope and pray that I may for a lot longer enjoy all that he has blessed me with.
Good stuff to think about!
Life is what you make it. I am a strong believer of that. German sounds good!
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