Try not to laugh at this baby!
My son and I went out tonight so he could witness what I talk so much about. This Black-Necked Stilt took a lot of our attention. And humor! Pink Legs!!!! Come on. This has to be as bad of a mistake at the planning table as the onion. We really should not be eating onions. That's why the warning is there when you cut into an onion. On the bird committee when the world was created a slight mistake happened between the Stilt and the Flamingo. At least in the resurrection they will get their "perfected" bodies.
This bird is moving constantly. Dunking it's beak just like the Avocet. In fact that act of procreation is identical to the Avocet. The male has a dark black back with some "blueing". The female is a little smaller and has a slight brown colored back. Beauties in most respects.
Just didn't look in the mirror before going out this morning.
When my son saw this he said it looked like a penguin mixed with a flamingo! (He's 8 years old)
To this day, I think of you when it comes to one that hates onions. I still remember the brown bag labeled "grossities" that would hold the onions at the picnic.
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