I just finished perusing Moose Petersen's Blog (something I do daily). Amazed at his energy and ability to think in business terms and still be the great photographer that he is. I was very fortunate to attend one of the DLWS events. Wow was it great. Since then I have felt somewhat like a groupie. A couple of rock stars of photography, Joe McNally and Moose Peterson lead the pack with Laurie Excell and Kevin Dobler right there to round out the group. What a fantastic experience! Like a rolling stones concert being invited back stage. Except these fine people share their talents. There's no secrets. You're not only invited to ask questions your threatened if you don't. Since that experience I have appreciated the challenges of photography. I have read several times where Moose reminds us all to understand the biology of the wildlife you intend to capture on film (or in most cases not film but little itsy bitsy light sensitive ....things). The DLWS group has descended on Yellowstone. It really is not fair!
That reminded of the time I ran into a grizzly while trekking and looking for wildlife. Typically I will hike back on one of the trails and sit for a while. The sitting usually pays off. This particular Grizzly was heading south on the same trail I was heading north. I was prepared to stay a significant distance from the animal. It's HIS trail you know! For what seemed like eternity we just sat there and looked at each other. The tripod was out, the long lens aimed at him. The photographs were ready to roll. Just staring. I had my escape route planned if he turned away. My bear spray was out. He was quite a distance off. But I was ready to leave if he asked. Bears don't have to say much. Is bored something that comes to a photographers mind while looking at a live, wild, and huge grizzly through a 600mm lens? "Man will you do something!" "I have all kinds of pictures of bears walking on all four legs." Doing something I am fairly embarrassed to admit I shouted at the Grizzly "Stand up or do something cool." You know what they say in church -be careful what you ask for. He stood. Now I'm a little nervous. He then turned and headed north on the trail. A Yellowstone Grizzly took my command. Yikes. All joking aside I really was a good distance from the Grizzly. What made him stand? Behind me also heading north was a Buffalo. Westward was my new direction.
Is that the time you had to book it out of there and your camera fell over? I'm glad to hear that you have Bear spray....that will make it so much easier not to worry when we haven't heard from you in days ;)
I love hearing the story behind a photograph...Makes the shot that more impressive! Good stuff. I'd gladly come along on any tour/seminar that you would do so get planning (I know you're not very busy:))
Your blog is now my daily pick-me-up.
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