A human statue that painted himself with some kind of white mud. Nothing would make him flinch. Barely even wink. What the heck is he up to? This picture was taken on our trip to Brazil. On the boardwalk at Rio de Janeiro. I took a bunch of photo's of this guy. It was late night. The makeup was cracking but he wasn't. Who knows. Only the man statue knows for sure. Maybe a protest. Or maybe an advertisement for a facial mask. I left a few dollars in the box in front of him. He at least deserved that for putting up with me.
If we could only crack and then wash it off. Life really is fragile. Sure we are all dying. But when? I was told today that I have agoraphobia. Huh? The only phobia that I have is that I have a phobia. I count truck axles while driving on the freeway. Everybody does that. Who doesn't count the steps when going up or down them? Unlike the man statue I have a smile most the time at work. I travel a lot. I am always looking for ways to be active. I set things in motion to always have something to look forward to. I think I just started the last several sentences with "I". I never was good at english or sentence structure, or verbal communication. Ask Don he'll tell you. Who cares I love life and my hobby. I hope to live long enough to look back and say I have really enjoyed the ride. That could be tomorrow.
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