Three hours to Ballard and three hours back. Our new store in Ballard has frozen lines inside the store. It was a must that I make the trek to eastern Utah. I have been in the office for two weeks and getting a little cabin fever. Of course the purpose of the trip today was to determine a scope of work to get water back into portions of the store.
I rarely travel without camera in tow. I loaded up a little more gear today. Six hours on the road and no chance to shoot..I don't think so!
I have a fiduciary responsibility to full-fill my responsibilities with my employer. The photography part is a benefit of the travel :)
No photographs on the way out. West bound was another story. The temperature was about 9 degrees. The wind was blowing about twenty to thirty mph. The art created on the snow was very original. Waves of snow was created by the winds.
Earlier my driving skills were challenged. When at highway speed the ABS brakes were thrown into full test mode. My peripheral vision was at peak performance. At the roads edge was an adult Bald Eagle eating at a deer carcass. I have been around eagles enough to know that they think as long as the human metal objects keep moving there's no problem. Stop and off they go! We drove past the big bird turned around went past again turned around and as we passed I photographed it. Not too good. Drove past again. Turned around drove past turned around and approached slowly then stopped. A few frames made it to the sensor. Then he flew back to that line in the sand. It was BEAUtiful! I am always humbled by this incredible animal. 

This was his second take off to the new farther line in the sand.


The above skier was making the best of the high winds. It was remarkable to watch. At times the skier would let the kite pick him up and carry him for distance then drop back to earth cruising across the snow.
My efforts to accomplish this weeks assignment of rule of thirds is represented here. All the shooting today was consciously directed to that rule of thirds composition. It was fun.
Oh the porcupine hair! Penny. You'd have to see it to understand. It's the new style.
Wow, amazing stuff. I think you are the luckiest guy on earth. I made that drive five times in the snow last year and didn't see anything. How far off the road was that eagle? Good stuff. I have been able to get one shot for this assignment...pathetic.
HUH????? I see no photos of porcupines. What is up with that?
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