Mondays are a blast!
This crazy bird runs on the water. I don't know the name or anything about the bird but that it is a "fisherbird". Just like the cartoons this little feathered guy has legs that seem to go in a full circle like a windmill. At top speed it's head drops and into water it goes. Sometimes bringing up a small meal. It is hilarious to watch. A lot of effort for a meal.
Mondays I find myself on a dead run. All the problems of the weekend have blossomed and my forgotten to-do list has reappeared. No task must be forgotten. In my case tasks will be forgotten if not written down. And I hope somewhere I can remember where I wrote them. Penny has new clothes, and everybody else is refreshed from two days unplugged. It's not just a girl thing to have new clothes everyday. Today a lot of men prefer the same. I don't personally know any one I have just seen them out there. Like the water sprinter bird we start each week on a dash and usually end the week coming up for air. Some weeks are successful and others are not as successful.
This photograph was taken at Oxbo bend in the Tetons. Regular wildlife there is moose, eagles, deer, coyote, and otters. Oh yes and the water sprinting bird. The water is very slow moving there. Often I find myself thigh deep in water photographing all around me. Definitely one of my favorite places to shoot. My two best tools for this type of shooting (standing in water) are my photography vest, and tripod. I can carry most the equipment I need in my vest including, bug spray, bear pepper spray, water, and some food rations (twinkies or ding dongs). The tripod has two purposes - 1) to keep the camera stable 2) to keep me stable. The tripod has been my walking stick on many occasions.
It takes a lot of time to collect photography equipment. I have been collecting equipment for nearly 30 years. Much has changed and been replaced. Especially with all the new technology available. Expenditures can become extreme. I decided long ago that as long as I working every monday through friday I could save for my hobby. Every Monday I stop to thank God that I have a family to provide for, and incredible people surrounding me at work. My hobby is diverse and challenging. Thank goodness that I wake every Monday - the alternative would not acceptable.
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