The bear above had just nursed two cubs. As if in a moment of personal rest she climb the rock, dropped her chin, then was motionless in a sprawled out position. A portrait of her is on my web site front page. The cubs tried desperately to get to her. She seemed to enjoy the moments of peace. Her eyes seldom left my position. One cub figured that on one side of the rock access to MOM could be obtained. That ever enduring shot of MOM bear rubbing forehead with the cub emphasizes the only way for the bear to show affection. Through gesture. It's a good thing bears have not figured out text messaging. There is no formality, affection is king! Nurturing the game. Protection the genetic code.
I have enjoyed many hours and even many days admiring the ability of this particular mother bear to prolong the lives or her offspring. In the next couple of days I will post a photo experience I had related with this bear defending herself but probably more so her cubs. The cruel yet natural side of Nature........
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