Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Eagles #2

Tonight after work I started my quest for THE eagle shot.   A nikon D-3 mounted on the 200-400mm VR lens with a 1.7 multiplier, and the D-200 mounted on the 600mm f/4.0 lens. I have reason behind my madness.  The D-200 is not a full frame camera so on the 600 it multiplies the focal length to about 840mm.  Pretty good reach.  It is however a manual focus lens.  The D-3 and 200-400 lens combo does not have the same reach but is auto focus and can follow focus incredibly well at very fast frames (9 frames per second).
The photograph above was shot panning with the d-200/600mm combo.  Panning is not too tough even with a manual focus lens.  For the most part I was skunked tonight with the shot I wanted to keep.  Of all the shots tonight above is my favorite.   The American Kestral is an amazing hunter.  Like other hawks it can turn on a dime while in flight.  While flying fairly close to the ground they will immediately stop and drop for their meal.  I think in most cases it is little mice.  MMMM yummy!   

So on I went to get THAT shot of the eagle.  It could have been a lot better but the birds landed consistently with the BIG BRANCH between me and them.  I think these guys are so mad about something that they will do anything to aggravate photographers.  They know the drill!  Fly in at full wing span, talons extended right at the camera with those determined eyes in perfect focus.  It's all their fault.  They were out to raise my ire tonight.  And it was working.
So I did the usual.  I talked to them about my problem.  I needed a shot more interesing than just them sitting there dong nothing.  Teasing was the order of the night.  Yeh this one really went out of it's way and rubbed it's beak on the branch.  Wow!  Thank You!  
If looks could kill.  Like the Osprey this guy was thinking "are you taking pictures of my rear end?"  Must have been a ....better not go there.
All kidding aside it will take some time to get a shot I will be pleased with.  An hour or maybe two is not enough time.  Especially if is the wrong time of day to catch Bald Eagles in activity.  The last couple of photographs were shot just as the sun was dropping off.  The very warm cast was natural.  No saturation.  I rarely will add saturation.  In most cases it looks unnatural.  So I will be out again if time will allow and continue my quest.  Next time I'm taking flowers and chocolate.  Maybe, just maybe these birds can be bribed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holy cow! I saw those two tonight on my way home. I even pulled over and snapped a shot or two from car...with my 18-55 VR. For some reason my shots don't have quite the same impact. Isn't life fun?!