I was asked "Your photographing Seagulls?"
After the sun fell below the horizon it was time to put gear away. A fellow photographer approached me and asked if I had any good shots. Photo-bragging is like fishing. A little exaggeration is required.
"Of course" I replied.
"The seagulls put on a great show tonight"
Instantly the first impression I was making with twelve thousand dollars of gear under my arm crashed. My photo ego burst. The pedestal collapsed.
I guess photographing seagulls is like fishing for gold fish. The truth is they are as unpredictable as any bird. Just do not have the famous names like Golden Eagle, Bald Eagle or great Blue Heron. Hey it's the Utah State Bird!
"Your wasting shots on seagulls?" he said with disgust in his voice.
Well guess what. I enjoyed myself. It is great practice. When big name birds cross my path I will be better at panning, and stopping action. Hey it was great fun! I used my tripod at ground level. Almost on my belly the swamp stench was my new friend. In aperture priority, wide open and low ISO the stars were aligning. I am happy with the shots. Yea there seagulls. But hey! What a great show!
Practice makes perfect. Who cares if they are seagulls. Are you panning from your tripod? I think I may need to get me one of those...
That guy needs to see your amazing-ness before he goes judging you...
Awesome photos dad...I am learning so much from your blog!!
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