I live in bird country.
And boy am I lucky. December, January, February and sometimes March a group of bald friends assemble. This gathering place is in the back yard of a neighbor. Literally less than one mile from my home these beauty's stop to say hello. Most mornings heading to work and nights returning home I stop and chat with them. I count them. Then I watch the antics of this America's Eagle. If they new what an important symbol they were they would not always look so mad! Seriously have you ever seen a happy bald eagle? I rest my case. My assignment this week is to get a photo of an eagle or eagles that is more interesting. At least more interesting than sitting on a branch looking mad.
The bald eagle is amazing. Their personal space limits are extremely defined. I have invested multiple's of thousands of dollars in photography equipment so I may keep my distance from wildlife. With this gear I may obtain close and life like photo's. More importantly the wildlife I am photographing has much less anxiety. It's amazing how many people at this location will attempt to walk directly under the tree the eagles are in to take a cell phone picture. Of course the smarter of the two flies to a nearby tree away from the two legged creature that insists on invading their personal space. The persistent two legged creature (the one with the incredible photographic recording device - the CELL PHONE!) follows and makes the same attempt with the same results. Just a few days ago I photographed an eagle on the side of the road. He flew back some distance when I stopped to photograph him. The difference here is that I did not get out of the car and did not get closer when he moved the first time. The position and location of the dead deer was a precarious place for the Eagle to be. As opposed to the very top of a 150' tree where the intention is to rest and do bird yoga for the night. Without interruptions.
Anyway enough of my ranting. I hope in the next several mornings/nights to bring back pixels of the incredible bird to enjoy for years to come. I hope you may have the same experience. A camera to your eye taking you away for that little bit of time.
Hey dad, you should check out my photo a day blog...I got some totally awesome catchlights on my vacuum photo :)
P.S. here is the link: http://my365photoaday.blogspot.com/
Helloooaaaahhhh!! I love the Eagle picture. I hope someday I can learn photography stuff from you. :)
p.s. Muddie Buddie
Um... the last post was me....mand Luv Luv!
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