On my way home I was doing the apple thing. She loves me she loves me not. She loves me she loves me not. She loves me...I photograph tonight. She loves me not...... I go home. With that extra tug on She Loves Me I was off to shoot. Ten minutes from my home is one of my favorite winter spots to photograph. It's were I have been landing for the last month or so (a little bird humor there). Tonight the "game" plan was different. When I arrived I had less than an hour before nighty night with the sun.
Look quickly for an area where Kestrals are hunting.
My expectations were very low (no time to wait for that great shot). The first spot was like waiting for my bail out. Wasn't happening.
Try a new spot.
Walking at a pretty slow pace a flicker of red caught my eye.
A little background here....for many many years I have wanted a nice photograph of a pheasant in full get the girl colors. These guys are stealth monsters. Unless you have a dog. And in that case all you get is the waste producing end of the bird in the photograph. I have tried for years. Blinds, laying on my belly for hours and all sorts of things. I been closer to Madonna than a live "wild" pheasant.
Was my pea for a brain looking at a Pheasant less than one hundred feet away? Had I prayed for a pheasant shot last night? No. It definitely wasn't penny or Kelly in a pheasant suit trying to cheer me up.
Have you ever bought a can of paint? A gallon of paint. That shaking that occurs to mix the can was nothing to what I was now doing. You'd think I just OD'd on caffeine or something.
I only had seconds...raise ISO to 3200 (not taking any chances in the low light), aperture priority wide open (the sun was only minutes from curtain call), 400 mm (closer the better), and slow deep breaths (right!). Oh yea I guess I should breath.
I was amazed that the bird really thought he was hiding from me. The red on his face was like fireworks in the kitchen after midnight. It's common knowledge that your eyes are always drawn to red in a photograph. Couldn't miss this guy!

I was frozen solid. Did not even blink. To my surprise Mr. makeup stood and walked from the weed he was hiding in. He may have been heard the conversation last night about me shooting seagulls. I am the pansy seagull photographer. No threat I guess. As he walked away from me I thought this would be a better picture if he turned back towards me. Must be my last wish come true for the week....
All the shots are at 3200 ISO. Very grainy. This last shot was exceptionally loose. So I hit it with a soft focus to accent the graininess. I think it works. It will never be gallery quality. But I like it. I finally have my pheasant. And he is still there for others to enjoy!

Grainy-schmainy...they look awesome! What a beautiful bird, and I think it's safe to say that neither penny or kelly are in a bird suit...
perfect time of day, the light is beautiful.
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