1). a customary way of operation or behavior
2). a perceptual structure
3). a decorative or artistic work
4). something regarded as a normative example
5). a model considered worthy of imitation
6). something intended as a guide for making something else
7). graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of a radiation from an antenna as a function of angle
There are many definitions of pattern. D.P. set the assignment of patterns and then before I could count to one million he posted. Not only are has representations of patterns Van Gogh(ish), they are perfect in composition, and design. Suddenly I felt like the guy in the olympics that fell in the first one hundred feet of his race. Commitments were made that the assignments would not be a contest. Oh sure! How can they not be a contest when the others in the class out class the rest of us?
So I stand, wipe myself off and finish the race. The above picture was taken on Redwood Road. Every winter a bizzilion little black birds congregate. They are like lemmings. One takes off and they all follow. Trees are coated, power-lines are weighted, and the cattle are cleaned up after. In Nature often there is obvious patterns. Less obvious is the flight of the little black birds. They fly in the same direction. They perch in the tree all facing the same direction. In stark contrast to the tree. In reality there is a pattern to the trees. In my opinion there may be more pattern than the birds example. Branches are reaching up and out.....
OK it's all a stretch but I tried. Next assignment ANGELS. I may need an angel to give me a miracle. Wish me luck.
1 comment:
I was hoping to find a pattern in nature as well. Unfortunately my eye is not as keen as yours is. Very well done. I can't wait to see you're "angles" shot!
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