"B" That's the name of the receptionist at my dentists office. An accent strong enough to make you wonder if she just walked of the ship to america. ( I think it's fake) Boy is she savvy. Always selling but like Zig Ziglar describes a good waitress "friendly but not familiar". Have you ever noticed that everyone in a Dentist's office all have beautiful teeth? Must get a good deal. Or their broke.
And what is it about Dentist's and everyone surrounding them is cute or beautiful? Professional, smart, discrete but beautiful . Pain. We all talk about it. Behind the dentists back. Every comparison made about pain refers some how to the pain in the dentists office. High pitched drills, pointed devices tearing barnacles off teeth and the ever worrisome words - "wash out in the sink". Things that monster movies are made of.
Not at my Dentist. I have had root canals that almost put me asleep. Cavity repairs that took fifteen minutes. Years ago I had a hygienist that hated men. I always left the office tortured through the end of a little metal hook guided by a person mad at the whole world . If water-boarding is illegal my treatment deserved the death penalty. Now my hygienist is more like a mom figure. A pretty mom. In my face about flossing, brushing and that sort of thing but still concerned about my welfare. I think my dentist is getting pretty old. He wears these seeing devices that makes me think he is looking for micro-organisms in my mouth. Oh, and what's with the face guard? Is OSHA guarding our dental offices now? Is there a small mint inside the mask so they don't have to smell our breath? Wait a minute...not everyone wears a mask. Must be some sort of OCD, germ-a-phobia thing. I enjoy my visits' at the dentist office. Even if they may be three years apart. My choices are car, house, food, clothes, photography or that needed crown. What would be your choice?
OK, now you have to put in a blog with a self portrait or else I'll only remember you from the view up your nostrils. Looks like a bit of gray; join the crowd. Dittos on the dental babes.
BTW - I really enjoy your daily blogs. I've borrowed a few for my desktop.
I'M so proud of you for going to the dentist!! Did she hold your hand? J/K.... Dr. Samuelsen is the best! I don't agree on the dental "babes" If only there were more dental "dudes" LUV, Mand
The difference between your past and present hygienist was kinda surprising. In all honesty, I felt a chill go down my spine when I read that your former hygienist hated men. But it's a good thing that it's the total opposite now.
I bet a great set of teeth is a requirement if you want to work in a dental office. Going to the dentist could be a little bit scary sometimes. That’s why good looking people are around to keep the atmosphere calm and for you to relax. How are your teeth now? I hope you’re still visiting your dentist regularly.
Gunilla Cameron
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