I made it to the refuge before the sun went down. The Eagle population has dramatically dropped in the last few days. In fact only six to ten birds were obvious. But the pelicans are here in force. What is the crazy bump on the top of their beak (is that how you spell beak?). Hey nobody noticed that I spelled Impanema Bay = Empanada Bay. Even fooled Don.
These huge birds are pretty easy to photograph. The fly slow. For the short time I had it was spent catching landings. Pretty good pilots those pelicans. If you look close they have huge webbed feet. Really? What is it with the bump on their beak?

Positioned on a causeway it is possible to shoot many directions. I was fortunate to have several chances to stop the Kestral in flight. The photo above was my favorite.
I am still trying to figure out the photo boundary, rectangle marquee, lowered opacity, grayed out thing! D.P. I hope your having fun while I am dropping Xanax like sweethearts. Anxiety must be a part of the computer learning thing. Kidding on the Xanax. Not kidding on the anxiety!
Dad, I love the new font and the framing...looks GREAT!! Wonderful photos too (as usual!!)
I feel sad.
I looked you up on facebook. I looked at your friends list. It said "Jim has no friends"
I feel sad.
I will be your friend.
Great stuff...I love the shot of the pelicans coming in for a landing. Your frame looks great by the way!
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