Aretha Cool – A Book by Matthew Jordan Smith
5 weeks ago
Wednesday, December 31, 2008The many FACES.......![]()
Tuesday, December 30, 2008Did you see THAT?.....![]() Nikon D200 - .3seconds@f/22, ISO 100, Aperture Priority, focal length-12mm (Shot in RAW) Iguassu Falls in Brazil. What a beautiful place. I have never witnessed anything like this before. Very early one morning, camera bag (sling) over shoulder my daily treat was about to begin. The best part of photography is you pick the spot that you like the best. The same location will be seen and shot differently by photographers. Unless of course you are standing on the cliff at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone painters point. Only one place to shoot there. Back to Brazil! Hoping that the water running off my camera would not damage it I shot like crazy. The mist from the falls forced me to wipe my camera and lens between each shoot. Thank goodness for skylight filters and hotel towels. Hey I took the towel back after my day of shooting! Anyway, the shot shown above was my prime spot to shoot. Lots of falls could be seen. A leading line into the photograph. Lots of green and plenty of water. It was fun. A tough decision had to be made. Do I leave the foreground falls in the photograph or crop it out? Right smack dab in the middle of the bottom of the falls is the end of the guard rail. Hey! it insures that everyone knows that man has touched most all the earth. Or maybe it was my proof to the local authorities that I really did stay on the trail. Does it count if one foot is on the trail? Upon returning home the first project was to print and mount several of the Brazil trip photo's. I always print 13x19, mount them on foam core with a photoshop created border. Proud of the end result I shared this photograph with the old man at work. He knows who he is. The first words out of his mouth were - "What the heck is that metal pipe in the picture. You need to take that out it distracts from the serenity of the picture". Did I know the guard rail was in? Yes. Did I like the picture? YES. Always be prepared for someone to look at your work and say "Did you see that? And don't be disappointed...you may have the opportunity to see their photograph's.
Monday, December 29, 2008"Old Friend"....Watson Lake in Prescott, Arizona What is anonymous anyway? Recently I received a message from an anonymous person. No not a secret lover! An "Old Friend" is who left the anonymous message. To save my two finger typing a lot of work let's call "Old Friend" - OF. OK? Anyway, this OF did not identify himself. He is still a great friend. Even if I have not seen him for maybe 20 years? We have and had a lot in common. Fish and aquariums was a common interest. Lifting weights for better personal self esteem took some of our time together. He was to me like Arnold Swartzenenger is to Twiggy. The guy was a monster. Bars would bend when pressed by him. The one thing we do not have in common is super intelligence. The University of Utah is the place that he graduated in electrical engineering. Not just another grad just one of the top graduates. Brawn and Brain. A gentle giant as so often said really describes OF. This anonymous OF's message took me back to my early days. I do miss some things about those days. One being associated with this anonymous OF. Thanks for leaving the anonymous message.....OF.
Sunday, December 14, 2008How do you see it?........![]() The world looks different to all of us. Why do eagles fly when approached by two legged creatures. It does not matter that they are at the top branch of the tallest tree. Eagle eye has new meaning when attempting to photographing an eagle. They see you long before you can get that one and only-unique photograph of them. It goes beyond what they see. It goes more to how they see it? My life would have some interesting days if I had eyes like a chameleon. No more talking behind by back! Eagles see us as danger, a problem or maybe predator? Hey I just want a picture like non other. Then there is big horn sheep. Approach a little stand still a while. Approach a little more stand even longer. As long as I did not make quick moves and stood for long periods before approaching this guy he only watched me. As soon as I was within 75 yards he would move away. It was as though he had a built in digital measuring device. Ok! so eagles and big horn sheep have acute eyesight. Both can see animals up to a mile away. It must come down to each individuals self confidence. Have you seen how the big horn fight? At full forward speed they ram each other! Eagles...well they turn over in-flight to show talons to the opposer. Actually are they fighting? Do eagles fight each other? Look close at sheep's eye. What does he see? He sees you (or in this case me). And what is that? Every other Sunday I teach 14 year going on 16 year old youth. Today we talked about Faith, Charity and Hope. Looking at each one of them I see individuals. They were dressed differently. Each unique in every way. I see boys and girls, dresses and suits, long hair and short hair. Who are they? How they see the world will ultimately direct how things will go for each of them. We also talked about being tested. Not like math or science. More like bad health, emotional problems or relationship issues. For a few minutes today I hoped that they each would consider the benefits of humility. That they may enjoy the rewards of charity. And that they can experience hope. Unlike eagles and big horn sheep they have more. A lot more. They can choose to ram(defend) their beliefs and/or ideals. Or they can fly away in fear. They will decide. Their fate is in each of their own hands. Hopefully they stopped and considered the good things of the message today. I pray so.
Thursday, December 4, 2008The trumpet shall sound....![]() Yes I said it. Watch, read or listen to any news media at this incredible time of year and you may get discouraged. To avoid some of the trash news I go to my "photo space". Some of my free time is spent looking back at photograph's. The photograph above reminds me of what it is all about. Shout out to all that can hear! The intensity of the elk's bugle is seen in his eyes. Look close at his body. His ribs and back bone are pronounced. The previous several weeks he has eaten little and exerted an enormous amount of energy. A genetic drive to procreate? A simple and profound goal of each adult elk. Little else matters for this period of time. Some refer to this time as the "rut". A "rut" to defend his cause at all odds - even to death. For two days I was privileged to witness his endurance defending his cause. I am fortunate to live in a free country with freedom of speech. I am grateful to be able to believe what I believe. What others express has no affect long term in my life. Because like the aria from Handel's "Messiah", my lyric and song is "The Trumpet shall sound".
Wednesday, December 3, 2008Somewhere in Nevada.....Back in the rental car, camera gear in the back seat, and Don as navigator...(I've had better). Traveling to Yarrington, Nevada the rental car insisted on stopping at a location that had very old farming equipment and buildings. With 45 minutes until our meeting at the county seat fun was to prevail. Camera's blazing we had a great time for a few minutes. Old wood, old metal and a very old friend what else is there to live for? ![]() Nikon D-3 24-70mm f/2.8 @2.8, (-2 E.V.) ![]() Nikon D-3 24-70mm f/2.8 @2.8, (-1.33 E.V.) 1/800 ![]() Nikon D-3 24-70mm f/2.8 @2.8, (-1.33 E.V.), 1/3200
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