Just the great outdoors. Quiet. Birds, elk, moose, bears, and many others waiting for me. I miss them. They are my friends. They live where the high temps may hit the low 80's. It's not hell (Phoenix) here. It's heaven. No rental car buses here. Wendy's..nope! Big Mac's ...never! Food is secondary to the experience.
This time I will have two little boys with me. One of them five and the other two and a half. Their first experience with Grandpa with wildlife and geysers. It should be an incredible week. Grandpa will teach them how to cook smores and foil dinners. More importantly we may make rock trails, throw rocks into Yellowstone river, and hold hands near the hot pots. Maybe I'll work in a few photograph's
I love this one dad!! I like the angle of the photograph! :)
I can hardly wait to go too, I'm planning on learning as much as I can about photography this week....so get ready!!
Two lucky boys to get a tour with a guide as with the knowledge their grandfather has!
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