N 42,25.995
W 108,49.7413
2361 meters (elevation)
I know it's very busy. But I like the photograph.
In my opinion NIK has hit it out of the park with Silver Efex Pro.
If I was to guess how much of my shooting in the last 30 years was black and white (before digital), I would have to say 35% to 40%. My darkroom was set up for only black and white. All the classes I took were mostly shooting with black and white. I love Black and White photography. Though wildlife is my first passion my roots are in the black and white print.
NIK's program gives back some of the toning, etc that film had. It's great.
Back from Lander, Wyoming today this sky, tree and rock were screaming to be photographed. I answered the call.
I'm sorry, did I just come across Ansel Adam's site?
Dad, this is fantastic, I love how moody this is, you hit it out of the park!!!
Amazing yet again! The textures are wonderful. The composition is great. Trees, rocks, clouds. Sweet! You really are the master at capturing a scene!
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