There is little that attracts obedience in the parade more than when the Color Guard passes by. It gets quiet and respectful. Some tears are expressed. Everyone stands and puts their hands over their hearts. These are solemn times. I am blessed to live in this country. To travel and enjoy my hobbies. To worship as I wish. To love who I love. To respect Women. To love my kids and grandkids. To not have to plant tomatoes. To carry a weapon. To own a home. To work where I choose and have been chosen. To save money. To have a comb-over if I wish. To photograph whom, where and what I would like. To buy gold. To sell gold. To have a choice of where I get medical service. To respect the office of those public officials that serve our country. To publicly disagree with public officials. To grow grapes. To have incredible neighbors. To buy Nelson's Custards Saturday night at 8:00 p.m.
To love.......
To be loved.......
And to feel important...........
I am truly blessed to live in this country. I will always defend it's honor. God Bless America!
1 comment:
Awesome photo dad, great post... :)
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