Another shot of Mom Elk cleaning and loving Baby Elk. But look close. It appears that the little guy is nuzzling up to MOM. Click on the picture and look on the log in front of the Elks. The little guy was really interested in the bird on the log. Betcha a blueberry pancake at Jeremiah's that it's the first time he is seeing a bird. Looks pretty curious. At that point the cleaning and nuzzling from Mom was a bonus. The action was fairly slow so the 200 ISO was OK (broke the 1/lens focal length). But then the little guy got a little frisky. It may have been that when the bird flew off, he thought "I need to try that".

550 MM, 1/100 second @ f/6.7, -.33 EV, ISO 200

550mm, 1/500 second @ f/6.7, +.33 EV, ISO 800
Pushed the ISO and the EV. The Sun was very low and behind some thin clouds. The increase in grain/noise is minimal. Thank goodness we have so many options to keep us close to the actual scene when it was shot. This has been a great week using High ISO. Thanks Dan, and the group. One week from Monday.....a week of photography in the BIg Park - Yellowstone! For sure I am having a hard time Sleeping.
Had an experience tonight and this week to remind me of the circle of life we all have faced or will face. As we get older our parents get older. Yes I am learning a lot at 54! Seriously, we start out as little children with clean and pure brains, thoughts and actions. As we age we may acquire Dimensia or Alzhiemers. My experience with the passing of my father a few years ago, the brain reverts back to a clear mind (at least no memory, short or long). Their bodies and actions require adult supervision and physical assistance. Similar to a child. Patience is a must. The adult with advanced cases are confused, incontinent, belligerent, and sometimes psychotic. All but the psychoses are similar traits found in a child. The circle of life. We are born dependent on our parents. In time our parents may be dependent on their children. There is emotional, financial and time considerations. It is very important that I remind myself that my Mother is still my Mother and deserves all the patience, love, care, attention and time that I can give. She did risk her life for me...literally.
Love the first shot! Such a great capture. Can't wait to see the Yellowstone pictures!
Great photos dad, I love your comments and the story that you wrote to go along with it!!
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