The photo above is an example of stark contrasts. The sharp needles of the cactus protrude from a somewhat easily damaged plant. The rock is as it's namesake, very hard, smooth and dense. Dense not in the literal sense of stupid. Well wait a minute did the saying - Dumb as a Rock.....
The interesting thing that I have noticed in Wyoming when hiking about is that little varmit's build homes under the cactus. Trails will run between plants and proceed into a small burrow that was made under the Cactus. Pretty darn smart. That last time I pet a cactus I paid through the lip for days.
Who taught these little guys this trick? Have they been pricked themselves burrowing under the plant? Is the plants roots food for the varmit. What is this little varmit anyway?
There is so much to explore and photograph out there. Yeeeha!
I sincerely hope you all have a great week!!!!
This is a cool shot dad, I like the contrast between the cactus and the rock and like that you made it a B&W photo, playing on the contrast more. Great post dad, very funny :)
Great shot! Those needles look painfully sharp.. It's amazing that a creature can live under that!
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