Look at the photo above. What's out of place? I mean really out of place.
Holy lost goose batman! Yes it's alive. Yes it's real. No it's not domesticated. The owner of the warehouse says this goose and her mate come back every year to nest on this "lean two".
Incredible! The first reaction I had was "cool"! Soon the Sierra Club afterglow poison started to seep in. Was this the original home of these geese? Man crowded them out. Or at least in this case shares bunks. It started to bother me somewhat. Especially when the property owner said he thinks the gooslings, geeslings, or whatever, keep coming back. They think this is home. If you look close at the nest someone has thrown up cheeto's. Probably not the first healthy choice for Mom GOOSE! My wildlife experiences have been tarnished forever. Will moose soon be seen riding the marry go round at the park? Will deer realize the pleasures of mans hot tubs? Hey we evolved right? My vote is to keep the wild in wild (including me). And the ones walking on two legs and can't fly in suburbia!
A better view ......
This may be DAD. What a guy. Can't find a better home than this? Hope he's not lowered his standard by using the drive up at McDonald's.
What can I say about this one? What in the "Sam Hooey" is he looking for in the tracks? Boise area is getting really weird. At least some of the wildlife are!

Looks like the tough times are really hitting home! Hope this isn't a sign of whats to come in the Salt Lake area. At least the no smoking sign is out. I can't imagine what second hand smoke would do to momma goose and her goslings!! Good eye, even better story! I love it!!
This is so weird, so funny. I love that you got a photo of it!
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