Found myself at the bird refuge after my grandsons soccer game. Wow was that fun. Four and five year old boys kicking the ball everywhere but at the net.
Though it was late I headed for the "spot". The refuge was closed. There is however plenty to shoot in the area. Like my new friend the Avocet above. I could watch them all night. Shot with the 200-400 and the 1.7 converter attached. Shot wide open, -1/3 exposure value.

Yellow Headed Blackbird. They bark a lot. There animation is extremely enjoyable to watch. Check out the finger nails. He really needs a manicure. See more about this beauty
here.This guy was only about 75 feet away. Pretty darn close. The closest I have ever been to this bird. We had a very good visit. But he did most the talking.

Directly opposite from the area I was shooting the Blackbird was this "artsy fartsy" reflection. A bit of the old and new. Sprinklers reflected in water with a weather doppler. Almost a little strange.
I love how clean the image of the yellowheaded blackbird is. Shooting wildlife and people wide open is essential for me (don't shoot to much wildlife). Keeps the background noise down.
My favorite is the reflection. I must be an artsy fartsy kind of guy cause I think this image is phenomenal. I love the repetition of shapes, circles and rectangles, and such. Very nicely done!
I love the yellow-headed bird, I love this shot, and I think you stole my reflection idea. How rude.
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