Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Earth, wind and .........

How about for the assignment that I show the effects of wind, rain, snow, ice and fire? I'm back in Prescott/Chino Valley Arizona. The dells amaze me every-time I am here. I could literally spend days shooting the shapes colors and textures.

The above shot at 3200 ISO. The black lines in the rock are natural. Incredible shapes.

North facing has the "blue moss". The fractures are evidence of incredible weathering like in the photo above. Yet still have a way to allow plant growth.

Couldn't resist the black and white pushing the texture of these rocks. The high contrast plant adds interest.


M. Bell said...

Those are great Jim, business travels provide excellent opportunities...

Alea said...

Yeah- these are great! Amazing sculptures of nature!

Unknown said...

Love the blue moss! Those nik filters are pretty cool!